The Academy greatly appreciates all the support from every student and every parent. In order to strive for high quality, we have defined the following policy. We appreciate everyone’s effort to comply with the policy.
- Please arrive on time for class. Hair should be put into a ballet bun or a ponytail. Every student must wear appropriate dance clothing. This includes dance tights, leotards, and ballet shoes.
- Tuition is due in the first class of each month
- Please call the academy 24 hours in advance for absences. No refunds for absences due to personal reasons. Make-up classes are available by attending another class at the same level. Make-up classes will only be approved if the teacher has been notified prior to the student’s absence. Make-up classes are only available to students who attend regular paid classes during the same month.
- Performance costumes are provided by the academy. A rental/cleaning fee is collected
- Due to safety concerns, all students must exit the studio promptly after classes end. The academy is not responsible for injuries caused by students’ own conducts.
- To ensure an effective class for all students, parents must exit the classroom while class is in session, except for the parents of the young kids class. Parents shall return promptly to pick up students at the end of class.
We always welcome suggestions for improving the above policy. Thanks again for everyone’s understanding and cooperation.
- 请准时到达教室上课,上课前请把头发盘好或扎起来,不能散开。上课时必须穿练功服、练功袜及练功鞋。
- 请于每月第一节课交纳当月学费。
- 由于个人原因未能上课,请提前24小时通知学院,学费恕不退还,可以在其它相同年龄(程度)的舞蹈班补课。缺课的学生须经老师的安排才能前来补课。补课课程安排仅限于有正常付费上课的同一个月内。
- 演出服装由学院负责,但每场演出收一些磨损费 。
- 为了学生的安全,下课后请尽快收拾好自己的物品离开教室,如因个人原因玩耍出现意外学院不负任何责任。
- 为了您的孩子更好的练习,除小小班学生家长可在教室等候外,其它班家长上课时请暂离教室,下课准时来接孩子,我们一定会保证孩子们的安全。